How Does the Keto Diet Reduce Weight?

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how keto diet reduce weight

Keatley notes that the keto diet drastically reduces carbohydrate consumption, forcing your body to burn fat instead of glucose as its primary energy source. This can result in significant weight loss as a result, she notes.

Ketosis can be beneficial, but it also deprives you of essential nutrients. This could cause short-term problems like upset stomach and headaches or long-term issues like constipation.

Reducing Carbohydrate Intake

When someone follows a low carbohydrate diet, their body shifts its metabolism to burn fat instead of carbohydrates – this process is known as ketosis, and it may result in weight loss.

To achieve a ketogenic state, your carbohydrate consumption must be drastically reduced. This can be accomplished by eliminating most carb-rich foods like breads and pasta from your diet.

Keto experts say you can still obtain your daily carbohydrates from healthy sources such as vegetables, legumes and fruits; however, they caution against overeating by consuming too many carbs at once.

Sarah Keene, Noom’s dietitian, recommends starting with 20 grams of net carbohydrates daily. This includes whole grains, beans and fruit. As you reach your weight goals and feel satisfied with it, gradually increase carbs as needed.

Increasing Fat Intake

The keto diet is a high-fat, low-carb eating plan that can help you reach your weight goals. It has the added bonus of suppressing hunger and cravings while keeping blood sugar stable.

However, some individuals may struggle to sustain this eating style. It can be unfamiliar and challenging to break a lifelong habit of consuming carb-heavy meals.

Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to incorporate more fat into your keto diet.

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Opt for higher-fat dairy products like yogurt and cheese to feel fuller for longer and get beneficial probiotics.

Consider including fat-packed nuts like almonds or pecans into your diet – they’re an excellent source of healthy monounsaturated fat which can lower LDL cholesterol and boost HDL levels.

Don’t forget to incorporate butter or moderate servings of regular margarine into your keto diet, as they provide an excellent source of fat (36). To minimize saturated fats and prevent trans fat, steer clear of any type of margarine with hydrogenated oil listed anywhere in its ingredients list.

Increasing Protein Intake

Protein is an essential nutrient for those on the keto diet. Not only does it help preserve muscle mass and improve body composition, but it also provides energy and boosts metabolism.

Weight loss can be enhanced through protein, as it helps to suppress appetite, suppress cravings and boost satiety levels. Studies have even found that higher protein intake during low carb dieting may aid fat loss over the long run – this explains why many low carb dieters recommend increasing their protein intake when trying to shed pounds.

Keto dieters may eat more protein than those on other low-carb diets, but it is essential to monitor your intake and stay within the recommended macronutrient range.

The keto diet requires you to obtain 70-80% of your daily calories from fat, ideally from healthy sources such as nuts and avocados.

High protein consumption on the keto diet is common, but too much may lead to symptoms like the “keto flu.” This usually includes headaches, fatigue, nausea and brain fog but will subside after about a week as your body adjusts to this metabolic shift.

Increasing Exercise

Exercising is an excellent way to increase energy levels and burn fat. Additionally, it aids weight loss while maintaining lean muscle mass.

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Athletes should focus on low-intensity, steady-state (LISS) exercises such as running, fast walking, cycling and swimming to promote fat burning and cardiovascular health. HIIT (high-intensity interval training) exercises like sprints, pushups, sit-ups and lunges can also be effective for burning off calories while building endurance.

However, some athletes may experience a decrease in performance when following a keto diet. This is often due to depletion of glycogen stores – energy used during strenuous anaerobic workouts like sprinting or weightlifting – during this type of diet.

According to their current fitness level, athletes may want to adjust their carb intake or use exogenous ketones before engaging in intense exercise. Furthermore, they should consume adequate amounts of protein and water to prevent dehydration and electrolyte imbalances that could arise from extended exercise while in a ketogenic state.