Will the Keto Diet Lower A1c?

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will keto diet lower a1c

The keto diet restricts carbohydrates, forcing the body to burn fat instead. This process produces small molecules known as ketones.

Diabetics with diabetes may find that a low carbohydrate diet helps them regulate their blood sugar levels; however, this approach should not be used long-term.

Hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar levels) can occur on the keto diet, especially if you are taking medication to manage your diabetes. Therefore, it’s essential that you notify your doctor if you decide to embark on this new eating plan.

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When trying to lower your a1c, it is best to steer clear of foods that raise blood sugar (carbs). Instead, focus on fruits, veggies, meats, poultry and fish as the main sources. You may also enjoy a small serving of alcohol occasionally for added enjoyment.

Ketosis occurs when your body burns fat for energy instead of glucose, decreasing the number of hemoglobin proteins covered in sugar, thus decreasing a1c levels.

A study of 33 people with type 2 diabetes found that the keto diet significantly lowered their A1c levels by an average of 9%, while the Mediterranean diet improved them by 7%; however, these results weren’t statistically significant.

Although the A1C test is more accurate than fasting plasma glucose and the 2-h oral glucose tolerance test, it’s essential to recognize that there are various factors which can affect your a1c. These could include iron deficiency, kidney disease or liver disease.


A keto diet that restricts carbs can often result in decreased blood sugar levels, potentially leading to a reduction in your a1c. Some doctors even believe that people with type 2 diabetes may find relief from their condition through this lifestyle change.

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Insulin helps control glucose levels in the bloodstream by controlling how quickly and how much your body absorbs it. Your doctor will prescribe the appropriate type of insulin for your individual needs and lifestyle.

Your doctor’s recommendation for insulin depends on several factors, including your level of diabetes control and when you inject it. Your healthcare provider may suggest bolus (or mealtime) insulin, which covers carbohydrates before eating them and helps stabilize blood sugar levels.

Your doctor may suggest long-, ultralong- or intermediate-acting insulin to help your body utilize stored glucose when not eating. They can also administer an injection of short-acting insulin which will regulate your blood sugar while you sleep or during exercise.


According to research, the keto diet restricts carbohydrate intake and forces your body to burn off fat for energy in the form of ketones. This has been shown to lower a1c levels and lessen dependence on diabetes medications.

Before beginning a keto diet or nutritional ketosis program, it’s essential to consult your doctor first. Doing so may reduce the risk of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and other serious complications like kidney failure.

Low-carbohydrate diets may not be suitable for pregnant women, those with liver or kidney issues, those taking SGLT2 inhibitors, and disordered eaters.

Meat and poultry can be consumed on the keto diet, but it’s important to limit how much you eat and opt for healthier sources of protein. Studies have revealed that eating too much red meat increases your risk for heart disease and type 2 diabetes.


Ketosis is the metabolic process of burning fat for energy. During ketosis, your body produces small molecules known as ketones which do not raise blood sugar levels.

Research has indicated that people on a keto diet tend to have lower a1c levels than those not on it, according to some studies. They may also require less medication in order to maintain their a1c within target ranges, potentially saving them money on diabetes care expenses.

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Studies have linked high-protein, low-carbohydrate diets with reduced risks of heart disease and obesity. However, this doesn’t guarantee a beneficial experience for everyone on a protein-rich diet.

McManus warns that a high-protein, low-carb diet can put you at risk for deficiency in micronutrients like selenium, magnesium and phosphorus. Furthermore, it puts undue strain on your liver and kidneys as they must metabolize large amounts of protein and fat for energy production.

Constipation can also become more frequent if you reduce your intake of high-fiber vegetables and fruits. Furthermore, this could put you at greater risk for ketoacidosis–a serious medical condition in which ketones accumulate to an unhealthy level in your bloodstream.